Thursday, May 23, 2013

I've got my ticket for the long way 'round...

The one with the prettiest of views!
It's got mountains, it's got rivers...
It's got sights to give you shivers,
But it sure would be prettier with you!

I am addicted to this song... It gets stuck in my head for days on end!

I'm in party planning mode for E's birthday on the second, which is making the waiting to O portion of this cycle pretty easy. My monitoring appointment is 2 days before her party... if I've responded well, the IUI will be the morning of her party - what a busy/exciting day! Now, I just need sunshine so that the 25+ people can be outside instead of stuck in the house! Fingers crossed.

All I can say is... You've come a long way, Kid!

I remember being told she wouldn't survive her NICU stay, then that she wouldn't survive her first few months, THEN that she wouldn't see her first birthday. The doctors have finally stopped making predictions! She is a miracle and a fighter... the sky is the limit and every second of every single day is an absolute gift. I don't take a single smile, a single moment, a single breath for granted. Thanks for the reality check 6 years ago, baby girl! And thank you for teaching me how to be thankful for the small stuff (along with the big stuff).

Monday, May 13, 2013

Yes... I'm still around!

I'm ending my 6 week round of birth control pills this week... finally, we are back in the game!

Since I am finally cyst free (had an ultrasound this morning) I will be doing Femara, Ovidrel trigger shot and an IUI this coming cycle. It's on like Donkey Kong! Come on lucky month 23/cycle 16--- ew, I did not like typing that.

Soooo, E will be turning 6 in 13 days, can I just say, MIND = BLOWN! On one hand, it seems like she was just born. On the other hand, with all we have been through with her, it feels like it's been 20 years! I'm thankful for every second of it, though.

Sorry that this is short and to the point - but, laundry calls while the kiddo naps!