Saturday, October 12, 2013


That's a good "ahhh"... a relaxed, release. I finally have a few quiet minutes everyday, it's nice.

E is ok. She ended up spending some time in our local hospital last week. She was having these horrible screaming spells that could last up to 4 hours straight - nothing would console her. She doesn't cry unless she is in pretty severe pain... but she can't talk to let us know what's going on. The hospital checked her belly, lungs, head, hips and ran tests to check for seizure activity - everything was normal. We went home and the episodes got shorter and less frequent, so whatever it was, it seemed to resolved. Then Sunday morning... she stopped smiling. VERY strange for this kid. She had her physical on Tuesday and her doctor found a double ear infection, so that explains the lack of smiles. She has really had a hard 6 weeks and I can't wait for a bit of normalcy. She is still having a lot of hip pain with movement, which really sucks. I thought she would be further along at this point.

As for me... I'm on CD51. Not temping, so who knows if I've ovulated. We are planning on November or December IUI.

Here are some pictures of Em during her hospital stay - she had an EEG (a bunch of electrodes attached to her head to monitor brain activity) to check for seizures and one that shows 2 of her incisions from her hip surgery. They aren't gory or gross and actually look pretty amazing. She has 9 that are all similar in size.