Saturday, January 12, 2013


I want to start my period. Yeah,  that's right. I'm only on CD21 and rarely start on my own before CD50+ plus my doctor said surgery can slow things down and they wait a bit longer before giving provera to induce AF. (To make sure the uterine lining has healed)

We are definitely doing clomid, ovidrel and IUI next cycle! As long as I can stay cyst free... which I haven't been since September. Say a prayer that those suckers stay away!

As for my surgery - I had stage 2 endo removed, a softball sized endometrial cyst - which came back with normal pathology (not cancer), large amounts of scar tissue and my blocked tube WASN'T 100% cleared. The official report says that the dye may have trickled through --- so who knows.

I'm feeling pretty good... hopeful, excited and optimistic. Always optimistic.

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