Thursday, April 11, 2013

Caught off guard? Yup...

We found out yesterday that Emily will be having a major hip surgery in June. (we knew it was coming, but thought we had another 1-2 years, unfortunately, her xrays said otherwise.)

Her hips are on the verge of dislocating - the surgeon will be shortening both femurs, cleaning out the actual sockets and completely reshaping them. She will also be having the tendons all throughout her legs lengthened. She will be in the hospital (in Boston) for 1-2+ weeks, depending on her recovery. It will be a long and painful surgery (about 6-8 hours) and she will be in a cast/brace for 6 weeks and it will take about 6 months for her to fully recover from this surgery. She has never been under anesthesia for this long before... add in her pulmonary problems and you get two very scared and worried parents.

We KNOW she needs this surgery... but it's still the scariest thing we have faced so far! My heart breaks because she just won't be able to understand why she is in so much pain... why she can't kick her legs... why we can't bounce and play like we always do.

I hate that she has to deal with these things. I HATE that things have to be so hard for her.