Thursday, September 12, 2013

Home Sweet Home.

Just wanted to give a quick update - We are home with a VERY sore, E. Surgery was long (10 hours) and hard... the surgeon had to work on one hip socket along with the femur. She was supposed to spend 24 hours in the ICU for monitoring, but it ended up being 5 days. She had a rough time and struggled with respiratory issues for the first few days. After 5 days, the epidural was removed and the real pain began. My heart broke a million times each day. For the first 24 hours after the epidural was pulled, we couldn't touch her anywhere without her screaming in pain. We spent 2 more days on the regular ortho until while the pain team worked to find the magic combo of meds that we could go home with.

We came home on Tuesday and have been trying to get settled. It's been a lot of work with little sleep - E is getting meds every 2 hours, around the clock. (I tried stretching it to every 3 hours last night and she woke up screaming.) I have been on med duty since Mr. M has to get up at 5am for work every morning... so I'm a little (understatement of the year) sleepy.

E just had a dose of valium and is napping away. I'm a little jealous.

Here are some pictures from her hospital stay ---

This one was taken yesterday, at home! Showing off her big, strong muscles :)

Monday, September 2, 2013


E goes into the OR tomorrow at 10:30am . I just keep staring at her - my eyes well up and I have to remind myself to breath. My mind goes to "worst case" scenarios. Thinking that there is even a 1% chance that your child may not wake up... may never sleep in her own bed again, it's gut wrenching.

What if...? What if...?

I KNOW how strong she is, I KNOW she is a fighter. I just wish she didn't have to fight so hard all of the time. I really do know that she will be okay, that her surgical team is incredible and she will be home soon enough. But, it doesn't stop me from worrying.

I'm crying while I type this and she is giggling away... I had to stop and smile.

My kid is pretty freakin' amazing.