Friday, March 1, 2013


One minute you are holding and bouncing your giggling child, the next - they are convulsing and gasping for air... in your arms.

I experienced my scariest moment as a mom this morning... E's first ever grand mal seizure. It only lasted a couple of minutes, but it felt like an hour! She has a seizure disorder, but has NEVER had anything like this happen before. We have O2/heart rate monitors, oxygen, and valium so we were able to give the 911 operator and the paramedics a lot of specifics. I can't say thank you enough to the amazing team who helped us both over the phone and in person.

E is on 2 seizure medications and because of some vomiting last night, her levels were a little lower than her therapeutic range... and when I say a little, I really do mean a little. It's scary that such a small change can result in something like that.

She was given the valium at our house and two doses of each of her seizure meds at the hospital. We are home now and she is knocked out from all of the medications. Once she stopped seizing, while she was leaving the house with me, Mr M and the paramedics... she actually giggled. She was exhausted, but smiling. She is seriously the strongest person I have ever met in my entire life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I cannot even begin to imagine how scary that must have been. I'm so glad your DD is alright (and giggling!).
