Thursday, December 13, 2012

Go away, cyst!

Well... my cyst, which at one point was shrinking, is now 5.9cm. (Originally it was 6.1cm)

I cried during my internal exam; I cried during my transvaginal ultrasound... I was completely miserable. This is so frustrating!

I just took some pain meds and I don't want to ramble... I just wanted to post a quick update. (And to say I've appreciated all of the get well PM's I've gotten!) Hope everyone has a fun/relaxing weekend! xoxo.

Addition: Now that I'm not medicated and can form words properly... I didn't have any follicles yesterday. So either our timing was decent (every other day for the last 12 days) or I will be needing Provera in a couple of weeks and didn't ovulate. (I'm on CD23 right now) I'm going to take an HPT every 4 or 5 days (negative pee test at RE's yesterday) since I am on percocet and nervous about taking it. I'm only doing 2 pills a day, so it's nothing crazy. In my head, I know that things that happen before you can get a positive test, are unlikely to be harmful. But, I'm a worrier.

RE also told me that we can do a few rounds of IUI, but, based on the "degree of tubal disease" I have, and the fact that every time I ovulate - I make biiig painful cysts, IVF would be our best bet. Since IVF is not covered by insurance, I do want to start with IUI - it just might take a while to end up cyst free so that I can take the meds to get me to ovulate. In the meantime we will open up a separate savings account for IVF... and hope that eventually, we end up pregnant without it and have a nice chunk saved up ;)

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