Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What are YOU doing on Christmas Eve?

Oh, me? I'll be in the OR at 7:30am.

My cyst is still big and painful and my doctor wants it out. You can actually see/feel it through my belly! They will be re-checking my tubes, looking for endo and all that stuff while they are in there, too. She told me it will be more painful and longer than my last lap since they will really be moving things around and taking something out. Fun.

I have to be at the hospital at 6:15am and Mr. M can't get the day off from work :( BUT my amazing friend Mrs. L offered to babysit me! If I can't have the husband there... she is the next best thing! (she is great at keeping me smiling.) I'm actually nervous - I had a lot of complications with my first laparoscopy and I'm a little scared. I'm also worried about not being able to fully take care of E for a few days. She's 40lbs with MINIMAL head/neck/body control. (very low tone, which means she is pretty floppy.) Carrying her is hard when I'm healthy... this will be a challenge. I'm so used to doing everything for her (while Mr. M is at work. He is a hands on dad when he gets home) it will be strange allowing people to help and even harder for me to actually ASK for help. I'm stubborn.

 I didn't want to spend Christmas day in bed/on my couch/on my parents couch in my PJ's, but it looks like that's the plan! I love getting all dressed up for Christmas - I will be the family bum in all of the pictures. Booo! Mr. M did buy me a pretty spiffy pair of "lucky surgery socks"... which I will be sure to post pictures of after it's all over!

I will update late Monday  or sometime Tuesday - I will need something to do while I sit on my big 'ol butt!

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